
I am motiviated by three things: contributing to products I believe in; working with people who inspire me; and continually growing.

While my skills are primarily in technology, I consider myself a digital marketer with a technological focus. My contributions to the workplace goes beyond the code that makes digital products run.

Collaboration is the soul of the workplace, and I thrive when given opportunities to work with people across discipline. A functional workplace requires collaboration, and all voices to be heard. This is not only to ensure the project is done on time and on budget, but to also consider viewpoints and perspectives that siloed groups may not have seen.

It’s my belief that this magical team collaboration can achieve greater things than the individual.

I have lead departments of technologists, ranging from very experienced to their first job in the industry. My hope for the folks who work with me is that they learn how to be better developers, strategic thinkers, and always keep the user in mind. I also find myself learning every day from those around me, regardless of their experience or tenure. This is the final thing that motivates me: a desire to continually personally and professionally grow, not for accolades or for status, but because learning new things keeps me honest, grounded, and inspires creativity.